Friday 26 February 2010

Shep's Legendary "Bottle of Britain" Campaign.


  1. are the homophobic ones for real? they are very poor had not seen them before surprised they are legal

  2. Jaysis! I don't think I'd seen the homophobic ones before. No Spifire for Mr Turing, so.

  3. Unfortunately they are real, I remember seeing them on the Tube.

  4. Hmm - really real? I thought all the images above were a photoshopped joke - someone tell me that's the case!

  5. 'Fraid not Tania.

    I'm not certain 100% of them appeared in public. Many of them certainly did. They used to be on the Tube.

  6. Shows Brewdog weren’t the first brewery to have controversial marketing. I’m sure it was done because it got people talking about the brand. People are still talking about it here. It is unbelievably bad though.

  7. Very sad. Actually, I almost took a photo of the "No Fokker comes close" one last Wednesday, seen in a Yorkshire-themed bar here in Muenster. Owned and run by a German who is a member of CAMRA, I might add.

  8. I am confident that the pictures are genuine. I was sent this full set as a justification as to why BrewDog were not wrong in their latest beer name. Whilst funny in private, it is not the way any company making money should act. This was also my thought process when I saw the Spitfire adverts originally, my opinion has not changed.

  9. They came out with an ad campaign during World Cup 2006 with this cr*p; I was appalled, not least because anyone trying to link a) anti-German bollocks and b) pissed up Brits was likely to be making a rod for their own backs due to inevitable aggro in Germany caused by Engerland fans.

    Their response was that it was 'just a bit a fun'. Never drunk any Shepherd Neame since. Only option left to me, sadly.

  10. You must admit that the 'Beware Of Enemy Infiltration' is very clever.

  11. Yes, some of them are funny. Personally, I could live with the "historic" ones ("Relax, it's one of ours"), but the stereotypes about Germans and homophobia... yeah. No thanks.

  12. you guys criticising innuendo and being uber PC need to get out more and start speaking to real people

  13. I'm pretty sure the people posting above you are "real".
